The Apostle Paul in the first 3 chapters of Ephesians teaches that those who are in Christ Jesus has been blessed with all spiritual blessings. He then prayed that the eyes of their heart would be open to see the power of God. The same power that raised Christ from the grave and sat him at God’s right hand.
Paul instructs them to remember where they came from. How that they were dead. They were like zombies. Walking around with no hope. Separated from God. But God made them alive through their faith in Jesus Christ.
Paul reveals the mystery that once had been hidden for so long. That Jews and Gentiles were to become one in Christ Jesus. There would no longer be any separation. The vale had been rent from top to bottom. Something only God could do. No longer would believers be separated by their ethnicity, race, gender, or financial status. The playing field is level at the foot of the cross.
Then in Chapter 4, he moves from doctrine to application. Now that you have been made worthy, be sure to walk worthy of your calling. Paul wants them to have more than head knowledge of Jesus. He wants them to have an experiential knowledge of God. He wants them to walk worthy now that they have tasted of the goodness of God. How do believers do that?
Well Paul gives a few examples in the first few verses of Chapter 4. Walk in humility meaning without the presence of pride. Be kind to each other and to seek unity. They were to find oneness in their common love for God. I don’t know about you, but this is something I wish we could all practice a little more. Let’s find some common ground where we can appreciate our love for Christ. Let’s fight a little less and love a lot more.
Have you tasted of the goodness of God? Are you living worthy of your calling to love your neighbor as yourself. Are you actively striving for unity. Let us be a people that never forget we have been called to one Lord, one faith, one baptism.