Let Your Difference Make a Difference

Thinking and acting differently than the world will make a world of difference. That’s what the church is all about. Paul and other Christians were brought before the city officials and accused of “upsetting the world” with their teaching. (Acts 17) Why? Because they were different in their thinking and acting. They were not into the idea of “What’s in it for me?” but how can I bless those around me. That is what the church is about. We are the called-out from the world.

We are to be in the world, but not of the world. The world will not like us and actually hate us as it did Jesus and those who followed Him. We will offend those who differ from us, not by being rude, but by following the teachings of Jesus, by going the second mile, by turning the cheek, by being good to all, regardless of their status in life.

Let your difference make a difference in the world.