Abortion is WRONG – #1

Following Sunday’s talk about unborn life, a couple of you inquired about my skipping the slide enumerating the many aspects of abortion’s wrongness.  Keep in mind that  we are talking about the legalized extermination of 60,000,000+ unborn lives!  People!  Think about the myriad of ways that kind of destruction can affect a participant, or, for that matter, an entire culture.  (By comparison, we are rightly horrified and nauseated by the slaughter of 4-6 million innocent Jews by Nazi Germany.  Now, you and I are discussing 60 million+ abortions to this point in the U.S., and the slaughter of 46 million EVERY YEAR throughout the world!)

Under the following heading, I outline some of the ways in which abortion on demand is so very wrong. (Of course, that, labeling a thing as “wrong” is automatically a red flag in our times.)  Well, Jesus warned us to expect that and more – John 3:19,20.  See what you think.

Abortion on demand is WRONG:

Theologically  –  because it militates against the very power and purpose of God Who is the Creator and Giver of every life.  It is wrong in how it treats the God Who is doing the making and shaping work of Psalm 139.  Abortion is theologically wrong.

We are talking about the legalized extermination of 60,000,000+ unborn lives!

Morally –  because it jettisons both Scripture and good conscience in exchange for a quick fix.  “Moral” relates to “right and wrong.”  But we increasingly don’t care about that – Isaiah 5:20.  We just want a quick fix for our temporary problem.  Its all about ME:  my situation, dilemma, family embarrassment, financial circumstance, ambitions, MY LIFE, on and on.  Situation ethics always makes it about how I FEEL, not what is right and wrong.   Hey, have I ever wondered how abortion FEELS to that little unborn one?  The very fact of life-taking is enough for God to judge us.  Add to that the suffering and pain inflicted upon the defenseless.  How can we THINK of it, much less go through with it?  Google “fetal pain,” and, along with that, view the results of various abortion procedures.  Do that for yourself.  Quick fix, my eye!  Why, we give more dignity and protection to sea turtle eggs!  Abortion is morally wrong.

Psychologically  –  because it can trigger immense emotional trauma within the lives of those who have made the choice.  Abortion is not just a physical thing, such as sneezing.  There is an EMOTIONAL side to it.  In the nation of Finland, suicide occurs three times as often among women who have aborted.  What do you make of that?  And, look into post-abortion depression.  With that, look at post traumatic stress syndrome and notice the similarity in effects.  Did you know that those who have had abortions are more likely to be under psychiatric treatment, experience adverse personality changes, admit to usage of alcohol or tranquilizers, and have greater social isolation?  And does it not break your heart when a woman still sobs every year when the “birthday” of her aborted child rolls around?  This is a side effect which Planned Parenthood and abortionists (and most public school “family life” curricula) dare not mention.  Why not?  Abortion is psychologically wrong.

There is more to all this.





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